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About this board

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:12 pm
by Blu
This board is for sharing your art and discussing tutorials and techniques.
You may not claim art that you haven't made as this is art theft.
The brackets represent images.

Some acceptable post examples would be:
Here's a drawing I made the other day! I'd love some constructive criticism.
[art the user made]
I really like the art from this Legend of Zelda graphic novel, it's so detailed and pretty to look at.
[picture of one of the pages]
Does anyone have tips on drawing eyes?
Some unacceptable post examples would be:
Ew, your drawing is terrible! The colors make my eyes bleed, burn it with fire!
This is my art, do not steal! :evil:
[art made by another artist]
I hate this user's art.
If you create an unacceptable post/thread, it will be taken down and you may receive a warning/ban depending on the severity of the case.