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Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 11:04 pm
by geneva.
ack, hi óuò
i don't normally talk about feelings much, but you guys seem really kind so here we go !

✩ oKaY so i've had a big ol' crush on this guy for awhile, and we used to be really close friends too, which was great because i had someone to talk to ! recently we've almost stopped talking completely and i'm trying to get over it, but uGH. the one thing is, there is this girl in my class that i don't like much, and i think she did this just to spite me bUT, she told me that he did like me a lot as well a while ago, and i was like "AW YEAH, GR8 >8^D", but then i asked her if he still did and she just smirked and walked away ????? this made me feel really badly for some reason ?? cuz i kinda just figured what she meant by that was "haha no >;)" so yeah, sorry, i know this didn't really make a ton of sense, but thanks for reading ;w; !

in conclusion, feelings suck and i hate them and i just wanna yeet them into the ocean >:v !!

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 5:54 pm
by purple.
I asked my boyfriend to prom and he said yes! I got my friend to film it too, it was really cute.

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 3:21 pm
by Oblivion
@geneva. - that is weird... Not sure how to respond tbh but if you really wanted to know you might have to just ask him.

@purple. - Nice, hope you had fun!

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:34 pm
by Karasu
i've never had a crush on anyone before?? i've had a slight crush on a fictional character before but they're kinda dead-- so uhm...
but according to one of my friends, in a school i use to go to, i had a stalker?? like not sure if exaggeration or not, but apparently they knew my schedule at school and watched me from a distance sometimes, at school grounds only. im actually kinda impressed.

turns out i actually knew them as like "barely friends" (like hanged out twice maybe), but back then i didn't even know my own schedule so-- ok.

been shipped with various of people i hanged out with. never actually romanticly like anyone, however.
still, dunno how to really feel about the stalking thing.

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:42 pm
by Oblivion
the stalking thing would creep me out personally, I'm superrr paranoid.

I find it very annoying when people ship me with my friends. Although my sister does ship me with my crush soooo okay but still, it's weird.??

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 1:00 am
by gabrielle
it’s weird falling out of love. i mean, it’s something i’ve been trying to do for 2 years now, but it’s actually happening and i don’t know what to do anymore.

i mean, if it didn’t work after 3 years of us trying, then it never will. it doesn’t matter. we’re still young. but being his best friend is just a little strange. there was never a time in our friendship that we didn’t like each other, so it’s just a little difficult to start now.

i never see him anymore and i miss him like crazy, but i think the distance has been helping me get over him at last. i’ll have chorus with him for the next two years, so maybe i’ll get over it by the time summer ends and everything will be normal and my heart won’t flutter every time i hear his name.

he has a new girl anyways. he’s super hot, so he always is able to find somebody to bounce off with. i’m just super done with this on and off thing. it was nice to be wanted for a while, but i don’t want it if he’s too scared to commit to someone who actually cares for him.

it’s toxic, and i know i can do better. i just sort of wish that could happen sooner.

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 8:51 am
by Oblivion
my crush and I have 10+ hours so far of time we have talked just within three days.

But last night my sister guessed who it was, she can tell when I lie. Whenever she found out in the past it didn't go well, but I trust her now and she swore.

Last night he told me a scary game and we video called so he could watch my reaction aha his sister (who is one of my closest friends) joined later on and it was fun.

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 8:58 am
by Misty
Heehee, I ship you two so hard CX

Also meme:
Completely relatable

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 9:09 am
by Oblivion
it's funny, my friend ships us but doesn't know I like him aha

And very relatable, but my sister instead lol

Re: (also probably unofficial) Crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends <3

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 10:36 am
by gabrielle
you guys’ cute little relationship is giving me life aaaagh. it seems like he’s into you! i can’t wait to hear about what happens between you two <3

it kinda reminds me of one of my old boyfriends.
we used to video chat for HOURS without getting bored. sometimes we would talk late at night and accidentally fall asleep, but we’d both still be on the video chat until we woke up. good times hehe.