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1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:55 pm
by Ferri
Simply put a number before your way of getting kicked out. Also please be appropriate in responses.
Topic inspired by 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Walmart.

I'll start -

1. Put dish soap down the toy aisle and skate board.

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:03 pm
by Doggos_on_Mars
2. Appear to be a normal shopper for 5 minutes but then every time you take a step make super loud donkey noises. (This is my favorite game to play btw!)

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:23 pm
by TheCrowAtMidnight
3:Bring some mentos in and when a person leaves their cart to grab something put some in the soda they have bought if it is a liter, and scream, 'she's gonna blow!!!' While running with your arms flailing around.

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:20 pm
by bubbletiger
4. bike down the aisles pushing a cart full of doritos and mountain dew and grab a nintendo switch and hand a bunch of them out to random people and occasionally slap someone in the face with a joy con
i have issues

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 3:44 pm
by Ferri
5. Dance to the Macarena while at the register and never stop making eye contact with the cashier, then once you finish whisper "I know what you've done." And proceed to the next line repeat till kicked out.

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:37 pm
by SukuCat
6. Scream the bee movie script at the top of your lungs, but every time it says bee, get 10% faster.

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:57 am
by CreamyFloof
7. Throw cute stuffed animals at random people.

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:09 am
by Oblivion
8. Put on an alpaca mask and whenever you walk past somebody scream and make odd non human like noises.

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:22 am
by Vesper
randomly jump on cashier counters and play “careless whisper” with a saxophone. (Like - ffff loud)

Re: 1,000 ways to get kicked out of Target

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:50 pm
by Doggos_on_Mars
10. Put up anti Target posters all over the store. Climb up the shelves with a bullhorn and praise Walmart